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Making Modeling A Business
First Section
Introduction (3:02)
Module 1: How Do I Get Signed? (13:06)
Module 2: Model Ready 1 (9:49)
Part 2: Hair (8:43)
Part 3: Digitals (9:15)
Module 3: Agency Submission 1 (5:55)
Part 2: Contracts (8:00)
Module 4: Booking (10:10)
Second Section
Module 5: You Never Want To Just Be Talent 1 (10:16)
Part 2: Business Resources (8:54)
Part 3: Marketing(Facebook Ads) (11:36)
Module 6: Content Creation 1 (9:25)
Part 2: Equipment (8:15)
Module 7: Finding Your Angles & Your Light 1 (7:20)
Part 2: Posing (10:11)
Module 8: Branding 1 (7:21)
Part 2: Content Strategy (6:12)
Part 3: Shooting & Editing Demonstration (7:52)
Part 4: Camera Settings (8:03)
Part 5: Shooting Digitals (2:47)
Bonus Lesson: Building Business Credit (4:52)
Last Section
Module 9: How To Get Brand Sponsorships 1 (9:49)
Part 2: Sponsorship Strategies (3:38)
Outro:Mindfulness (10:35)
Referral Program
Module 6: Content Creation 1
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